Journal's Information
ISSN: 2384-6364
Start-up Year: 2014
DOI: 10.15580/GJCST
Language: English and others
Abbreviation: Greener J. Chem. Sci. Tech.
Publication Frequency: Monthly
Indexing: Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, J gate and more.
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Greener Journal of Chemical Science and Technology (GJCST) will publish articles related to: Agrochemistry, Analytical chemistry, Astrochemistry, Atmospheric chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical engineering, Chemical biology, Cheminformatics, Computational chemistry, Cosmochemistry, Electrochemistry, Environmental chemistry, Femtochemistry, Flow chemistry, Geochemistry, Green chemistry, Histochemistry, Hydrogenation, Immunochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Marine chemistry, Materials science, Mathematical chemistry, Mechanochemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Nanotechnology, Natural product chemistry, Neurochemistry, Oenology, Organic chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Petrochemistry, Pharmacology, Photochemistry, Physical chemistry, Physical organic chemistry, Phytochemistry, Polymer chemistry, Quantum chemistry, Radiochemistry, Solid-state chemistry, Sonochemistry, Supramolecular chemistry, Surface chemistry, Synthetic chemistry, Theoretical chemistry, Thermochemistry.