Greener Journal of Environmental Management and Public Safety

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Rakiat et al

Greener Journal of  Environmental Management and Public Safety Vol. 5 (3), pp. 060-065, August 2016.  

ISSN: 2354-2276 

Research Paper

Manuscript Number: 061516106



The use of GIS Technology for Land Management in Parakin Ife Central LGA, Osun State, Nigeria


*Rakiat LH, Emenike HI, Success O, Abayomi TA, Henry HU


Cooperative Information Network, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.


Land is a vital natural resource that hosts and sustains all living things namely; plants, animals andman.It is the bedrock of human sustenance, settlement development and usually used for diverse uses. Despite its global availability, land is still scarce due to its locational value and other utility attributes. In most urban areas, inadequate land management, control and allocation poses enormous crises and challenges for sustainable development of land, therefore there is need for proper management and control of land as a resource. This study is aimed at applying geospatial technique in providing possible solutions for land management and master plan implementation in Parakin area of Ife central LGA of Osun State. The existing master plan, and other spatial data,that is the topographic map and administrative map covering the study area was scanned, geo referenced and digitized and subsequently built into a geodatabase. The generated data was converted to KML and overlaid on Google earth in order to extract the high resolution image covering the area which was subsequently used to analyze the compliance of the master plan and the recent high resolution image covering the same area. In addition, multi-date Landsat imagery covering the area was classified in order to determine the trend of the land use land cover. The study shows that the area has changed in terms of land use and land cover from an agricultural zone to a residential area with inadequate compliance of the master plan and with the implementation on ground as shown on the high resolution satellite image.


Keywords: Land management; Land Administration, Geometric and Attribute Data, GIS.

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