Greener Journal of Medical Sciences

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Alhassan et al

Greener Journal of  Medical Sciences Vol. 2 (1), pp. 005-011, January 2012

 ISSN: 2276-7797 

Research Paper

Manuscript Number: GJMS1202


Effects of aqueous avocado pear (Persea americana) seed extract on alloxan induced diabetes rats.


*A. J. Alhassan, M. S. Sule, M. K. Atiku, A. M. Wudil, H. Abubakar, 

S. A. Mohammed


Department of Biochemistry, Bayero University, Kano

*Corresponding Author. Email: ajalhassan@ yahoo. com.


Background: world is facing explosive increase in diabetes mellitus. It poses a serious challenge to primary health care in developing countries, with negative consequences on the economy. This research is aim at evaluating the effect of Persea americana aqueous seed extract on alloxan induced diabetes rats.
Methodology: Effects of the aqueous extract on groups of alloxan (150mg/Kg) induced diabetic rats was investigated. The blood sugar and body weight of the rats was recorded at two weeks and four weeks interval, and one week after the withdrawal of the extract. The test groups (III, IV, and V) were treated with 400mg, 800mg and 1200mg/kg body weight of the extract for 4 weeks.
Results: A significant decrease (P<0.001) in blood glucose were observed in all groups compared to Group II. A significant increase in blood glucose (p<0.05) was observed one week after withdrawal of the extract. Significant increase in body weight was recorded in groups III, IV and V compared to group II at P < 0.01, 0.001 and 0.05 respectively.
 Conclusion: The findings may indicate anti-diabetic effects of the extract which may be due to certain mineral elements and phytochemicals, and increase in weight in could be due to proper nutrient utilization probably induced by the avocado seeds’ extract. Avocado seeds may be of beneficial effects to diabetic patients.
Key Words: Avocado pear (Persea americana) seed, Alloxan, Diabetes, Serum glucose.

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